PLASSON makes world-leading poly pipe joiners. Our fittings work a little differently so if you need to know how they work, with what and under what pressure, connect with us on 1300 752 776.
All PLASSON stock is here in Australia in our distribution centres in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Darwin so we can meet immediate supply needs.
Queensland: 49 Distribution St
, Larapinta QLD 4110
New South Wales (Head Office)
: PO Box 6163,
Alexandria NSW 2015
: 25 Business Park Drive,
Ravenhall VIC 3023
Western Australia
: 8 Tacoma Circuit, Canning Vale, WA 6155
Northern Territory
: 76 Export Drive,
East Arm NT 0822
All warehouses are open Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm. You need to allow a minimum of two hours from the receipt of PLASSON’s order acknowledgement showing your dispatch location before collecting any goods.
You also need to quote the PO number for all collections.
Tooling stock is held exclusively in our Brisbane warehouse.
Who can install Electrofusion (EF) Fittings?
Operators installing electrofusion fittings on PE pipelines must be trained and qualified in PE welding by an accredited training organisation. A list of approved PE welding trainers is available from the Plastic Industry Pipe Association (PIPA)’s website www.pipa.com.au
What are cool down times?
The welding process involves two phases – fusion (heating) and cooling. Cool down times are listed on the fitting barcode and fittings should remain clamped during this cooling time.
Are clamps required for electrofusion joining?
Clamping is important because it keeps the fittings aligned with the pipe preventing the weight of the pipe and fittings from applying lateral pressure to the join
. It also prevents the pipe and fittings from moving during welding and cooling.
How do I store and handle fittings?
Always keep fittings in the plastic bag out of the sun and use the bag to hold the fitting as you push it onto the pipe. Couplers should be stored on their flat ends. See PIPA POP005 for more info.
Why do we have to peel and clean PE pipe before conducting an EF weld?
Peeling removes the outside layer of oxidised polyethylene material before welding. Oxidised material is left on the outside of all PE pipes as a result of the manufacturing process. Unless removed, this layer will inhibit the electrofusion welding process, resulting in weld failure.
How much material do we peel off the surface of the pipe?
The pipe is prepared for jointing by removing a uniform layer, maximum of 0.2mm for pipes up to DN25, 0.2mm to 0.3mm for pipes up to DN75 and 0.2mm to 0.4mm for pipes larger than DN75. Numbers may change over time; please refer to PIPA for the most current industry guidelines.
Can I scrape the pipe with sandpaper, wire brush or file?
No. These methods can re‐contaminate the pipe as you scrape and will not remove a uniform layer from the pipe surface. Only use approved electrofusion peelers. Contact us for more info.
Why do I have to wipe the pipe after I’ve peeled it?
Wiping ensures all contaminants, dust, grease and moisture are removed from the pipe surface prior to welding.
Can I use metho, acetone, turpentine, baby wipes or paint stripper etc. instead of approved Isopropyl Alcohol Wipes to wipe the pipe with?
No. These substances can contain contaminants which inhibit the welding process. There is also the potential to contaminate the weld with rags or cloths during application. Always use approved Plasson Isopropyl Alcohol EF Welding Wipes to clean the pipe before welding.
What happens if I contaminate or touch the inside of a fitting?
Contamination will occur resulting in weld failure. Re-clean the fitting with Isopropyl alcohol wipes and allow to dry. Avoid further hand or dirt contact.
How much gap is allowed between the pipe and the fitting?
• Maximum allowable gap for concentrically located pipe is 1% of pipe outside diameter
• Maximum allowable gap for eccentrically located pipe is 2% of pipe outside diameter
Refer to PIPA POP001 for detailed information.
What happens if melt extrudes from the fitting?
“Melt out” is a symptom that something has gone wrong during the welding process.
Possible reasons include:
– Pipe ovality
- Poor alignment
- Pipe ends not cut square
- Insufficient clamping
Cut out the fitting and replace.
The Weld Indicator pins didn’t rise. Does this mean the weld is no good?
Not always. The welding indicator pins are only a visual indicator that the fitting has been welded.
What size generator set do I need to operate a PLASSON control box?
Recommended generator size is shown in the front of the PLASSON Electrofusion catalogue.
What if there’s a power cut (or if my gen‐set runs out of petrol) halfway through a weld?
Let the fitting cool down for 24 hours and then weld again for the full weld time.
Can you weld in the rain?
We do not recommend welding in the rain. However, welding in adverse conditions is possible with a ‘welding tent’.
Can I weld two pipes together that have water running through them?
No. Moisture will cause a welding failure.
Why does the control box cut out halfway through a weld?
What can I do to fix this?
(error message: ‘interturn shortc’)
PLASSON control boxes have process supervision feature known as Dynamic Monitoring. If there is a problem with the weld that results in a short circuit and a potential failed weld, the PLASSON electrofusion control box recognises the problem and aborts the welding process.
A message saying “interturn shortc” appears on the screen of the control box. This gives the contractor the opportunity to rectify a bad weld before the pipe is buried etc.
The most common causes are:
a) The pipe is under inserted into the fitting.
b) The pipe is oval and there’s an excessive gap between the pipe wall and the fitting.
c) The pipe OD is too low and there’s an excessive gap between the pipe wall and the fitting. The pipe is not cut square.
d) The pipe from a coil is not inserted square.
e) The pipe moves during the weld process (unlikely to happen if the pipe is clamped).
f) The pipe is unevenly scraped.
g) The pipe has external damage or gouging.
h) The fitting is damaged through forced insertion of an oversized pipe.
In each case, it is recommended that the contractor cut out the fitting and weld again.
Are PLASSON Electrofusion fittings UV stabilised?
What does SDR stand for?
SDR refers to the Standard Dimension Ratio of Polyethylene pipes. It is a ratio based on wall thickness in relation to overall diameter of the pipe. The SDR is calculated by:
SDR = Min. OD
Min. Wall Thickness
OD refers to the Outside Diameter of the pipe. The higher the SDR, the thinner the pipe wall, and the lower the pressure rating.
Are SDR and PN ratings the same?
No. PN ratings refer to internal pressures and SDR ratings refer to pipe wall thickness.
Can PLASSON couplings weld PE pipes of all wall thicknesses (SDR’s)?
The suitable SDR range for each fitting is shown in the PLASSON catalogue.
Can differing SDR rated pipe be electrofused?
Yes. Check the PLASSON catalogue for the suitable DR range of each fitting. The pressure rating of the system will be determined by the lowest rated component.
What temperature are EF PLASSON fittings rated to?
Refer to PIPA’s industry guidelines on temperature rerating of PE Pipes.
What is the Australian Standard of PLASSON Electrofusion Fittings?
AS/NZS 4129:2008 Fittings for polyethylene (PE) pipes for pressure applications.
What operating pressure are PLASSON Electrofusion Fittings rated to?
Please check the PLASSON catalogue for detailed information on operating pressure.
What material are PLASSON Electrofusion Fittings made of?
Polyethylene PE 100
What is butt fusion?
Butt fusion is a similar process to electrofusion except the jointing is carried out on the end profile of the pipes or fittings. The machine and tooling used in this process are also different.
What sizes are available?
Metric: 16mm – 160mm
Rural: ½” – 2”
Do PLASSON Compression Fittings meet any Australian Standard?
PLASSON Compression fittings comply with AS/NZS 4129; ApprovalMark and WaterMark Licence No. 2018.
What operating pressure are PLASSON Compression Fittings rated to?
PLASSON compression fitting operating pressure at 20°C is:
PN16 – 1600 kpa (Water) – Compression fittings up to 125mm Diameter
PN10 – 1000 kpa (Water) – Compression fittings 160mm Diameter
(kpa is Kilopascals – a unit of surface area pressure)
What does “PN” mean?
PN refers to nominal operating pressure.
e.g.: PN16 = 16BAR = 1600kpa, PN10 = 10BAR = 1000kpa
(kpa is Kilopascals – a unit of surface area pressure)
What types of pipe can I connect with PLASSON Compression Fittings?
PLASSON Metric Fittings
: For pipes 16mm to 160mm outside diameter (OD)
Metric OD systems for use with Polyethylene Pipes manufactured to:
o AS1159-1988
Polyethylene Pipes for Pressure Applications
o AS4130
Polyethylene Pipes for Pressure Applications
PLASSON Rural Fittings
For Class Rural Polyethylene Pipe manufactured to:
o AS2698.2 (ID Series) Class 6
Other pipes:
When used with the appropriate PLASSON Adaptor Kits, PLASSON Compression fittings can be:
used to connect PE pipes to copper, polybutylene, PVC, metal and PEX pipes in cold water plumbing applications.
PLASSON Universal Adaptors can be used to connect PE pipes to Steel, PVC, PEX, Copper, Polybutylene and Polypropylene pipes.
What is the difference between Metric and Rural fittings?
PLASSON Metric fittings have a black nut which houses a white split ring (or grab ring). They have no insert. Metric fittings are an “outside diameter” (OD) fitting. They grip on to the outside of Metric PE pipe. Metric fittings can be used on all metric PE pipe made to Australian Standard AS/NZS 4130. PLASSON Rural fittings have a black nut, grey split ring and a red insert. PLASSON Rural fittings are an “inside diameter” (ID) fitting. The red insert pushes up inside Rural PE pipe whilst the split ring grips on the outside. Rural fittings are used on Rural pipe, most of which are now manufactured with green stripes.
Are Metric and Rural Fittings interchangeable?
Yes, the body is common to both fittings.
How tight do you have to do up a PLASSON Compression Fitting?
Metric: Hand tight up to 32mm. Use a wrench for a further half turn past hand tight for the final tightening of fittings 40mm and above.
Rural: Hand tight from ½” – 2”
Where can I find PLASSON assembly instructions?
Complete PLASSON assembly instructions are available in the PLASSON catalogue.
What material are PLASSON Compression Fittings made of?
Body & nut: polypropylene
Split Ring: Acetal (CPVC available)
O-Ring: Nitrile Rubber (NBR) (EPDM & FRM O-Rings are available)
Can I get spare parts for PLASSON Compression Fittings?
Yes. Just call our team and talk through what you need.
What temperature are PLASSON fittings rated to?
PLASSON fittings are generally designed for cold water use although they will withstand the same temperature as most PE pipes. Full pressure rating is calculated at 20°C. Refer to PIPA’s industry guidelines on temperature re-rating of PE Pipes.
Are PLASSON Compression Fittings acid/chemical/oil resistant?
Alternate materials are available for the split ring and O-Ring which suit many acid and chemical applications. Refer to common chemical resistance charts for suitable materials.
Can I use PLASSON Compression Fittings for compressed air?
Yes. Be aware of potentially higher temperatures in roof spaces which may derate the fitting’s working pressure.
Can I use PLASSON Compression Fittings for natural gas?
Typically, welded systems are used in gas applications. Refer to PLASSON’s range of Electrofusion fittings.
AMI: ApprovalMark International
AS: Australian Standard
BSP: British Standard Pipe
DN: Diameter Nominal
ID: Inside Diameter
ISO: International Standards Organization
NBR: Nitrile Rubber
NPT: National Pipe Thread
OD: Outside Diameter
PE: Polyethylene
PEX Pipe: Crosslinked Polyethylene Pipe
PIPA: Plastics Industry Pipe Association of Australia
PN: Pressure Nominal
PVC Pipe: Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe
SDR: Standard Dimensional Ratio